Monday, April 1, 2013

It's Springtime in the Carter Home

            Guess what those are???

That would be our 6 new ducklings! This spring we've decided to raise 6 baby ducks until they reach a mature enough age to fly away (on their own.) I decided we'd journal how this went since it is our hope to raise 6 little bantam silkie chickens when they are ready (currently on a two month backorder.)

Day 1- Saturday March 30

We opted to buy 6 straight run ducklings, unsexed. We made the decision earlier on but decided to wait until Easter to pick them up so this felt like an "Easter weekend" event. We built a makeshift brooder of large deep totes with a heat lamp. For the first week, we'll use soft shelving matting to line the bottom of the totes then switch to wood chips.
We noticed that baby ducklings poop- A LOT. First day in, I cleaned the brooder twice in 8 hours time. They are too scared to let us handle them. We'll respect that. As we feed them we know they will warm up to us as ducklings are super social creatures.
4 of them are 10 days old. 2 of them are 6 days old.

Day 2 Sunday March 31

Today the kids all got to handle the ducklings, one by one. They are warming up to us slightly and we noticed they already LOVE the water. We are cleaning the brooder once every 12 hours and feeding them several times a day. On suggestion of a friend who raises ducklings, they suggested turning the shower on lukewarm water and pointing it towards the wall of our shower. The ducks that are brave enough would run under the water. We did this as the brooder was being cleaned and much to our surprise the ducks LOVED the shower! They ran under it, drank it, played in it for several minutes until their totes were ready for them. We pulled them out, used the 'duck towel' to gently dry them before putting them back in their nice warm brooders. For now, they will stay in our bathroom. Oldest 4 age : 11 days Other 2, 7 days.

Day 3- Monday April 1st
The ducks like us! If someone goes into the bathroom, they chirp at us wanting attention. We are constantly watering them and still cleaning the brooder every 12 hours. At the time of this writing, we are preparing to clean the brooder, feed, and let them have a few minutes in the shower. The kids are enjoying watching them grow and I already feel like this has been an enchanting experience in responsibility and watching the ducks grow. It seems like they've doubled in size in the few days they've been here. Oldest 4 age: 12 days Other  2, 8 days. 
Everyone is healthy. We had been warned 1-2 might day in the first days home due to stress/disease/etc but so far they are all doing great!

 TBC :) I hope to update once every few days as they grow!
The first three days have been a success.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Paying it Forward!

I am setting this giveaway up real quick on this blog I dont use often. I want to give my friends that chance to win something I already have :) So, for this giveaway fill out the rafflecopter for a chance to win a set of sticky bellies. You can go to their site to see what they have available. Winner gets their choice of any set in their store. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Gaggle Giveaway

Look how cool this thing is! I know a lot of you are like myself, big growing family in tow! Imagine how much easier life would be to go to the zoo, the park, the neighborhood and city strolls with this thing! AND- right now you can enter to WIN ONE!  <--- there's the link. Click and you will find where to enter one.

This seats infants and children ages 6 months up to 50 lbs. It features high seat backs as well as contoured seats for comfort. Safety wise it has a 5 pt harness system as well as a moon roof to filter out UV rays. It also boasts a SafeBrake system in order to slow or stop with just the pull of a lever.

This would be a dream come true for those of us with bigger families and smaller children- and a great thing to pass on to our local church when our kids outgrow it! <3 Enter to win it... and if I don't win, I sure hope you do :-)


Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's been a while

My other blog has been unable to be accessed for two lonnng weeks now so I decided to step back in time for a while a catch up on this one. Since I've last posted, Clay has picked up a second full time job. He works M-F for his day job, and then all kinds of crazy hours still for Moonlight :-/ We dont see him as much, and some times its stressful with him not being around. We've been fortunate that he's had several days worth of paid time off these past two weeks so he's had time to recharge and I've time to relax. Kids are doing great- homeschooling is going along as usual, although I really feel like we'll be rounding our year out if we do a big push come January, perhaps we'll finish in time for our next big adventure... for 2013...
With that comes big news for this blog though, we are expecing #9! - and... it's a boy! We decided to name him after my great grandfather, Ezra Hicks. So his name will be Ezra Elliot Carter. He's due on Noah's 7th birthday, in May :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Redbook House Party

We had a fabulous time at our house party for Redbook Saturday night. If you did not have the chance to make it, fear not! You can STILL win an awesome Swag Bag from Redbook and Loreal. Please use the rafflecopter form below and be on the look out for my next post with details of our party!